Playing Risingstar Game and want to talk about one of my favourites singer

Because I learnt that my ego mattered now I will be mainly focusing in downing my ego level so no starbits mission was done today but don't think I not doing my starbits mission
I will be doing it in the coming future

So let's start my usual intro 😎

Hello Blockchain Gaming Community 🤗
Playing Risingstar Game and this is my third week day two of playing rising star game so I want to share what I have achieved also I want to talk about one of my favourites singer

The singer I'm going to talk about is very famous and can even be said to be no.1 among my favorite singers
His name is "Lay Phyu" and I always listen to his song

Every time I listen to every song he sings, it's not like I'm going to get used to it because every songs he sang was a masterpiece for me
He is also very talented and there is not enough to say about him

The song that I am going to present is one of my favorite songs from the song that was sung to him
The song name is "only you"🫵
Such a great song for me and hope you enjoyed it ❣️

Hope you liked the song I presented 🙏
As always the lyrics


He who drowned in the water had to continue to live
To inhale only air
Like a hungry need
My entire life consciousness
You are still hungry for love
I still am

Like someone who steals because there is no more to eat
I love you, I can't control it
A blind man
Like being asked to walk around the world for a week
In trouble

You only you
You only you
You alone
You only you
From you
You are the only one

Your mind and body are surrounded by crazy fire
I want to ask for a reward
Now after you miss me
I don't want to get anything

You only you
From you
You alone
You only you
You only you
You alone only you

Also on the road with thorns
Although the blades are spread
Still walking towards you, hey

Bloody legs
The rain was unbearable
Still lost while walking
My alone

You only you
You only you
You alone
You only you
You only you
You alone
You only you
You only you
You only you

So, after the song introduction, let's move on to the risingstar game

These are the tasks I complete in my past first week

First week total progress

Total Illegal Busking - 149
Total Open Mic Night - 74
Total Mid Week Support - 20
Overall missions - 242

This is my second week achievement

Second week total progress

Total Illegal Busking - 107
Total Open Mic Night - 49
Total Mid Week Support - 11
Total Licensed Busking - 4
Total complete missions - 171

My third week process

Third week day one progress

Illegal Busking - 15
Open Mic Night - 21
Mid Week Support - 0
Busking with a license - 0
Total mission - 36
My level - 17

Third week second day progress

Illegal Busking - 9
Open Mic Night - 1
Mid Week Support - 0
Busking with license - 0
Total missions - 10
My level - 18

Third week third day progress

Illegal Busking -0
Open Mic Night - 0
Mid Week Support - 0
Busking with license - 0
Basic Singing Lesson - 3
Guitar lesson - 10
My level - 19
Total mission - 13
Down my ego to 71%

Third week total progress

Total Illegal Busking - 24
Total Open Mic Night - 22
Total Mid Week Support - 0
Total Busking with a license - 0
Total Basic Singing Lesson - 3
Total Guitar lesson - 10
Total complete mission - 57

Overall all progress

Overall Illegal Busking - 280
Overall Open Mic Night - 145
Overall Mid Week Support - 30
Overall Licensed Busking - 4
Overall Basic Singing Lesson - 3
Overall Guitar lesson - 10
Overall Complete missions - 472

Here is a picture of the finished work of third week day three

Of course Rising star game is my favourite play to earn game 🎮
Thank you always for your supporting and welcoming
See you soon 💕

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