Rising Star / Purchasing CardsPack and Mission Achievements

Hello friends.
My Starbits Millionaire dream is coming true.
By tonight, my Rising Star Game level will reach 50.
Tomorrow, I will be able to complete the Starbits Millionaire Mission.

I can't doThe Halloween Mission.
But, I bought another One CardsPack last night, hoping to get a Scary Mary card or Good cards
I did not receive a Scary Mary card.

But, I think I'm lucky.
CardsPack purchased last night received two R89 Mouse Rare cards and a 42 Brodie common card.


I now have a total of 66 Cards in my Rising Star Game.
They continue the Rising Star Missions with Fans 1834, LUCK 1034, Skills 6825 and IM 36.

I do not worry to increase Ego.
The focus is on getting to level 50 as fast as possible, so the skills are high.
After level 50, I have to try to increase the number of fans and collect Starbits tokens.

The following table lists the total missions completed up to date.

Illegal Busking105
Open Mic Night30
Mid Week Support32
Licensed Busking14
Midweek Headline Slot12
Saturday Support17
Saturday Headline29
Radio Interview301
Radio Studio Session15
Shopping Mall Performance53
Record A Demo10
Local Festival Acoustic Tent10
Guitar Fair18
Production Fair22
Drum Fair27
GIFT Charity Gig1
Basic Singing Lesson15
Guitar Lesson28
Production Lesson148
Piano lesson92

How are you doing?

If you want to play Rising Star, please use my Referral link.


Thank you for everything.

Tin Aung Soe

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