My 1st ever Daily Quest in GOLD I LEAGUE: 8 LOOT CHESTS!!! and recent daily quests in gold league...


For the first time I have climbed to the GOLD I and got 8 loot chests!
Though it is very tough to survive here with only SILVER deck which still not max out with all the necessary cards. So my plan is to at least climb up to the DIAMOND III for getting the best loot chests in next season according to the revised reward system!


As I have managed to climb up to the gold league 3 this season without renting a single card. In this season I have got more cards than the last season when I was in Silver I league.

In total, I got 1 RARE and 7 COMMON cards in last 3 days. From gold 3 league, these rewards are amazing to increase my collection power every season

The dollar value of these cards is around $0.18 with a collection power of 55.



And, If you want to join the wonderful Splinterlands world with tons of cards, abilities and enjoy battle yourself, you can join through this link Splinterlands game


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