The Song "I Still Miss Mya Kyun Nyo" And playing Rising Star Game

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Today, I will talk about the song "I Still Miss Mya Kyun Nyo". It is a song of singer Chaw Su Khin. The composer of the song is Min Chit Thu. The song is about she still misses the university she attended when she was young. The yangon university she attended is also called "Mya Kyun Nyo". That is why the composer named the title like that.

In this university, she has fun with many friends. In those times, she had the most freedom and happinesses. When the time changed, the students in the past became adult and they are now doing different works in different places. They can not meet each others again. They can not return the university they attended. But, they valued the knowledge and wisdoms the university taught and they felt a lot of gratitude for them. If the time can turn back in the past, she expressed that she still want to attend the university again.


With many friends
Have fun
In student life
Before, that time
Less desire
Got the most freedom
I really haven't forgotten
Far away, once upon a time in the university

Flow through the times
Let the young grow up
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If it taught knowledge and wisdoms
To grow as an educated person
The time which is sheltering in there
I can't forget

From a distance that cannot be met
Inexhaustible gratitudes
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If you turn back the hours
This land where Cobras Saffron flowers bloom
Desires to return to shelter
I can't stop it

Each land, each district
In the journeys of personal responsibility
Have not met again
I miss this area from afar
Can't go back twice
Far away, once upon a time in the university

Flow through the times
Let the young grow up
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If it taught knowledge and wisdom
To grow as an educated person
The time which is sheltering in there
I can't forget

From a distance that cannot be met
Inexhaustible gratitudes
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If you turn back the hours
This land where Cobras Saffron flowers bloom
Desires to return to shelter
I can't stop it

Flow through the times
Let the young grow up
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If it taught knowledge and wisdom
To grow as an educated person
The time which is sheltering in there
I can't forget

From a distance that cannot be met
Inexhaustible gratitudes
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If you turn back the hours
This land where Cobras Saffron flowers bloom
Desires to return to shelter
I can't stop it

Flow through the times
Let the young grow up
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If it taught knowledge and wisdom
To grow as an educated person
The time which is sheltering in there
I can't forget

From a distance that cannot be met
Inexhaustible gratitudes
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If you turn back the hours
This land where Cobras Saffron flowers bloom
Desires to return to shelter
I can't stop it

Flow through the times
Let the young grow up
I still miss Mya Kyun Nyo
If it taught knowledge and wisdom
To grow as an educated person
The time which is sheltering in there
I can't forget

Credit-Min Chit Thu

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Rising star is a play to earn game in rising star game. I like rising star game .

Today, I bought a pack and opened it. I only got three instrument cards. I got two common instrument cards and one rare instrument card.

They are i212 IC24, i225 V-Man 2009 and R474 Bass Clarine. i212 IC24 contains 1 luck. i225 V-Man 2009 contains 5 luck and R474 Bass Clarine contains 50 luck.

Now, I reach level 140 in the game. I will try to reach more level in the future.

I am also doing starbits millionaire missions and I completed 629 starbits millionaire missions.

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