My Entry for Weekly Battle Challenge - Theme : GOBLIN SHAMAN

Hello all monsters lovers,

This is my entry for Share your Battle Weekly Challenge hosted by @splinterlands. Here is the link to post

This Week Theme : My Entry for Weekly Battle Challenge - Theme : GOBLIN SHAMAN



Goblins are everywhere in the Burning Lands, but they are all larger and stronger than the Goblins of Anumün. The Goblin Shaman of the Smoldering Forest are especially skilled in slowing and weakening their enemies with enchantments. Many of them can hypnotize with a simple gaze from their blood-red eyes.

Here is the stats of card.


Card cost 3 mana and has no attack at low level and magic attack at high level along with weaken and slow ability.

Battle Details

Rule Set - Healing Out & Reverse Speed
Here the screen shot of the cards lineup.
Here is the link to battle.


Video link

My strategy - It was a high mana battle so decided to use the mix of high mana and low mana cards. Healing out ruleset forced nor to use the tank heal so used the card with void and shield ability. To slow down the opponents team used the Black Dragon and Goblin Shaman to weaken the opponent's team.

Did my Strategy works... Yes pretty well. The weaken nd slow team taken down very easily.

After the end of round 1 the opponent lost his two monsters.


In round 2 another two monster were out.


In round 3 another one monster was out.

The opponent was out by the end of round 3.

I am a member of Team Possible Power Guild. To join the discord group click on link
You will find really nice people and informative too.

Thanks for stopping by my Post.

Don't forget to follow and upvote.

If you new and want to try the game here is my affiliation link
You can joint the official discord group also (please find the link at the end of the post).

Thanks to @minimining for delegated cards.



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