Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

Hey guys.. Mingalar par မင်္ဂလာပါ..
Sorry that I missed last week challenges. I've been so busy.
I couldn't concentrate much in this week and I am not winning as many games as I want to and still in very low league.

But I got a nice game to share with you.
The battle was Water vs Water splinters. I used Aquatus as the summoner instead of Kelya Frendul since rental price is very cheap. It boost the friendly monsters to have Backfire ability, attacker receive 2 attacks if the attack is missed. Water, Earth and Dragon splinters were allowed. The rule was Explosive Weaponry where all monster got Blast ability*.

Enemy came up with strong magic monsters. But as we both used DJINN OSHANNUS, the effect was reduced. As I used VENATOR KINJO right behind the tank, Blast effect didn't work as it has the ability called Reflection Shield. Again, healer heal and restore the tank health.

My team slowly reducing enemy health and shield while maintaining the health.

Blast effect is taking place and enemy team is weaker and reduced shield.

The first enemy monster was out in the round 3, health and shield were reduced to critical level.

Another monster was out in round-4 and the remaining ones were badly damaged.

DEEP LURKER made no mistake and hit enemy DJINN OSHANNUS and killed both remaining monsters by blast effect.

Did my Strategy Worked?
For Explosive Weaponry rule, it is best to place VENATOR KINJO right behind the tank. If you have tank with Taunting ability, it might be better. Make sure to place a healer so that it can keep on healing the tank so that VENATOR KINJO is not exposed. VENATOR KINJO's Reflection Shield will make Blast effect useless. Since it also has Camouflage ability, it won't be targeted until it become a tank.
Another strategy may be placing taunting monster at the end of the line and place VENATOR KINJO in front of it.
VENATOR KINJO is quite useful with Explosive Weaponry rule.

Please check the battle link here

Alright guys.. if you are interested in joining weekly challenge please visit here.

Splinterlands is very interesting *Play-to-Earn game and it is really fun.
If you want to join Splinterlands, you can use my referral link here https://splinterlands.com?ref=from-mars .

you can find how to make banners and canvas here.

If you want to know a bit more about me, please read my introduction post here.

Thanks for viewing my post. Have fun playing splinterlands. Splinterlands ကစားရင်း အမောပြေနိုင်ကြပါစေလို့ .. နောက်နေ့ပြန်ဆုံကြမယ်နော်...

Have a good one.

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