Is Axie Infinity real? Should I just use the grocery money for Splinterlands cards?


A few months ago, my entry into blockchain games started with Axie Infinity. I balked at the price but bought three Axies to see what it was all about. After playing for a few days, I realised that it was feeling like a chore, rather than fun, and I didn't enjoy the game at all. May it would've been different if I could play it on the iPad... I put the Axies up for sale and looked for another way to waste my free time.

I discovered Splinterlands, and as an old Magic The Gathering player, this was more to my liking... I'm not very good, so I've been spending every lost bit of crypto dust and some spare cash to buy better cards (which means I get matched with stronger enemies, needing even better cards).

A few weeks ago, I had a look at my Ronin wallet -- no, the Axies are still there. So I dropped the price, even though they were cheaper than some of the "recent sales". Today I checked again -- still unsold. I dropped the price again and went to check the Marketplace. I couldn't see them being listed... Strange... I decided to sort them by number and look for my Axies, and they were not there... No wonder they are not being sold! Now Paranoid Me is wondering whether this is all just a big scam... Has anybody actually sold Axies in real life? Or is everyone to scared to admit they can't, and we've all lost a few hundred (or thousand) dollars?

I was really hoping to use the Axies to pay for a better Summoner... My husband did not look enthusiastic when I suggested we go on a diet and use that money for cards! ;-)

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