Blockchain Gaming: Programa de Becas ¡Noticias! [ESP-ENG]


Blockchain Gaming y su programa de Becas:

Me emociona y alegra anunciarles las buenas nuevas de la comunidad de la que ahora soy parte recientemente.

La comunidad ahora cuenta con una sala Discord para los hispano hablantes, de la cual estoy encargado, así que los invito a que se pasen y me hagan saber sus dudas, comentarios e inquietudes.

Blockchain Gaming and its Scholarship program:

I am excited and happy to announce the good news of the community that I am now a part of recently.

The community now has a room Discord for Spanish speakers, of which I am in charge, so I invite you to come and let me know your doubts, comments and concerns.


Hay nuevas y buenas noticias para los que han recibido beca, ahora para los usuarios mas nuevos y que no tienen suficiente HP (Hive Power) o RC (Resource Credits/Creditos de Recurso) Recibiran delegaciones de HP para que puedan hacer sus transacciones ya que sabems es uno de los problemas mas cotidianos y envarazozos cuando estamos empezando en Hive.

Cabe destacar que seran revisadas las cuentas y luego de verificada su necesidad se procederá a hacerseles la delegación. Recuerden que una delegación es un prestamo y queda a dicreción de quien se las dá el quitarsela también.

There is new and good news for those who have received scholarships, now for newer users who do not have enough HP (Hive Power) or RC (Resource Credits / Creditos de Recurso) They will receive delegations from HP so that they can make their transactions since Sabems is one of the most common and embarrassing problems when we are starting in Hive.

It should be noted that the accounts will be reviewed and after their need has been verified, the delegation will be made. Remember that a delegation is a loan and it is up to whoever gives it to take it away as well.

hashking scholarship.jpg

Para los que no saben en que consisten las Becas aquí les dejo resumido:

  • Beca de Rising Star (Actualmente cerrada) : 3 Pedazos de Pizza fria (ayuda a recargar la energia y poder hacer mas misiones y ganar mas Starbits y XP)

  • Beca de HashKings: Se trata de 2 lotes de tierra (South America/Sur America) 2 semillas (Panama Red) 1 Avatar y el agua necesaria para sembrarlas. (consultar precio del Paquete de inicio por el Discord)

Discord link:

For those who do not know what the scholarships consist of, here is a summary.

  • Rising Star Scholarship (Currently closed): 3 Pieces of cold Pizza (helps recharge energy and be able to do more missions and earn more Starbits and XP)

  • HashKings Scholarship: It is about 2 lots of land (South America / South America), 2 seeds (Panama Red) 1 Avatar and the water needed to plant them. (check the price of the starter pack by Discord)

Discord link:

Es importante enfatizar que a los becarios se les pide que sigan a la comunidad en Hive y RE-publiquen su contenido.

It is important to emphasize that scholarship recipients are asked to follow the community on Hive and reblog their content.

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