Very happy to be the winner of today's Bettel

Hello friends how are you all hope everyone is good and healthy I am also very good and healthy friends like this today again I am here with another new battle of Splinterland.

Currently I am a student now and play regularly and it is very good for me now and I thoroughly enjoy it. We will not understand anything until we put our minds inside it. The game is not as simple as it seems.

When I battled today I was given 36 mana and Death Splendor was mentioned so I thought about what songs to use since I have a lot of mana first I used two mana cards that seemed good and strong to me.

I used two strong mana cards in a row and used some attacking cards next to it and also used some fire attacking cards and not only that but lastly I used another real sword card.

My opposition Pella used a lot of good cuts but if he used one or two fire attacking cards I think he could have easily won the Patel from me.

Sharing with you some screenshots from my winner Patel hope you like it.

And here sharing my battle link.

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