Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

Best wishes and best wishes to all the friends of Splinterlands


Not only has Splendor progressed over the years, but the interest in the game of Splinterlands has grown so much that all the players have moved on to learn more about Splendor.


If I talk about my own personal experience, all the knowledge I have about Splendor is from the community outside of this social media platform because I always think that there is a need to gain knowledge or get an idea if not something. I try to play more and more and always try to look at everyone's posts to see what ideas they are presenting here. Can I learn from them how to move forward?


If we think that just sharing this post on social media will end this work, in fact it is our misconception because we have a lot to learn from this. We should not feel any shame for knowledge because this medium is mine for gaining knowledge. The idea is that I always try to learn something from here, I'm not ashamed of it.


Everyone who plays Splinterlands knows that Splendor is associated with a cryptocurrency that completes the game.

It's just that it would be a misconception because there is a power system every 15 days. It's more fun because the more you play, the more gifts you can get from here. Through you will get the card very quickly or get tired system


I have played many battles that I have brought with you today but I did not have a good card so I could not win any battles. Many of you may know that I try to post as much as I can about gaming if you check my profile. You will see that I always love to post about gaming


One of the winning battles, I have had a lot of fun. I have come to present it to you. I hope you will like it a lot. I like you. My success.

Friends, without further ado, let's talk about the battle that we have come to discuss among you

A battle was won with 25 mana I made up my mind and prepared to play the order and some cards I selected as I selected five cards for my mana 25a with two auto filling inside and one attacking card


Mana card details
7 This card has the capacity to hold five times and the most important thing about this card is that if this card attacks someone once, it loses two semesters. When this action attacks another card, its capacity decreases twice and I discussed the importance of this card with you



Also, I would like to talk to you about one more autohelling card. This link card can hold fire attack up to three times because there are many cards that get damaged when attacked once or twice but it has the ability to withstand attack up to three times. I like it very much.


I think almost everyone knows about the use of another auto link structure


This is how I use the last one attacking card. I am presenting the details of this card here

I was very happy to win the battery that I did not lose a single card, but all the cards in my opposition player have been lost, so I'm more than happy to present some screenshots from my winning beta, I hope you like it.










And so that you can enjoy this bat of mine, I am presenting the link of Battle here
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for spending your precious time with me.

Thanks for visiting my blog




I am Md:Abu Raihan, an expatriate by profession.I have been living abroad for many years.I like blogging on online platforms the most. I always try to maintain a good relationship with my friends. So whenever I have time in my work I like blogging and gaming I try to love people so that people love me



Have a good day

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