Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

Hello Splinterlands loving friends today i came to share some things with you guys you will like it a lot

Hi Splinterlands loving friends



How are you all hope everybody is well and healthy i am very well and healthy and i always wish you good health


Now the game has come up with a much easier way to get gifts where Force is instructing you to play as a quiz that you can play the game using this splendor and have the opportunity to receive as many gifts as you like so it is more imitative to play.


Many people may know that there was a quiz battle every day from last week but now it is no more. Many people may be surprised to see but there is nothing to be disappointed. Something new has been added. Nothing

I'm sorry to say that I didn't get the claim I received this week because I didn't understand what the system was, but now I understand and try to correct my mistake.



I usually like this game a lot and try to play it every day and today I came to present to you a very fun battle. I really enjoyed it.
The battle that I came to discuss with you today was very interesting because I rarely use Aath Splendor and I don't like to play there. Maybe I don't know about Sacard so I think


The e-card that I am using as a Mana card has some significance that I did not know before


Many may think that I can be a battle winner if the card is good but the most important thing is where we are using a card and what are the benefits of that card we need to know first and where to choose the cards are more likely to be my winner Be careful




Let me say a few words before that. Many people may think that this game is very simple. In fact, it is not as easy as it seems. Nothing can be taken and no one can be considered weak. You are too weak to ever think your opponent is weak


Today I played a battle with 26 manas and that battle was finally won. I used a total of 8 cards and my opposition player used that card. He used a fire cylinder. I thought maybe I can't win the battle but the third round from the first round. So far he has played very well and finally I was able to break his mana cut and I won.


I am presenting to you some screenshots from my winning battle. I hope you will like it a lot





And here's a link to the battle so you can enjoy my winning battle.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog.

Thanks for visiting my blog




I am Md:Abu Raihan, an expatriate by profession.I have been living abroad for many years.I like blogging on online platforms the most. I always try to maintain a good relationship with my friends. So whenever I have time in my work I like blogging and gaming I try to love people so that people love me




Have a good day

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