love the clouds contest #176

Hi everyone I'm a newbie and it's my first time here to join about the "love the clouds contest." Since I love taking picture especially in the clouds so here's my entry =) . When I woke up this morning at 6:30 am I decided to go to the beach near our house, just a few steps away. I was surprised by what I saw, the sunset was so beautiful. The sea was very clear and the clouds reflected in the sea. I didn't think twice about taking a picture because I really liked it and it was so beautiful.

When I decided to go home after pondering for an hour I saw my neighbor in their parking area, she called me and talked for a while. After a few minutes I couldn't wait to took the clouds and the sea from that angle because it was so beautiful right?

On the other hand, I also wanted to take a picture from a different angle since the weather was good or beautiful just like me,hahaha joke. After taking a few shots from that angle this picture is my favorite of all.

On the other side I saw this kind of flower I took a picture and of course with the cloyds backgrond, hehee I like the flower because it is very simple yet beautiful like me hahaha joke again. Peace guyz thats all for today and I thank you, have a nice day =) .

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