A Tint Of Rainbow? My Entry To "Love The Clouds" Contest #194

I had already made up my mind to be a part of this community but the right moment?.... Yes I was waiting for the right moment.... to be able to capture the clouds.
An opportunity presented itself just this evening, on my way back from church service.

The clouds were like a storm brewing.

All I wanted was to capture the clouds but then I thought I saw the rainbow.

I thought I saw the rainbow but I wasn't sure.

So I took another shot and saw it clearer, a tint of a rainbow alright. It was beautifully spread across the vast sky, displaying its majestic colours, first, was the most prominent violet and then I was able to make out the other shadowy colours of green, yellow and the rest, I hope you can see it too.

A little rain
a little gain
looking for clouds
I saw the bow

Rainbow in the clouds
be not quickly gone
a divine spectrum above
a tint of it I see

The Little poem is written by me.

The photos are authored by me and this is my entry for #LoveTheClouds contest. This is an initiative of @tobetada.

This is the link here

Thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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