Love The Clouds' Contest! # 193

There is a photo contest by @tobetada called Love the Clouds.

Well, what should it be about? Clouds, of course.

To participate, you have to publish a post according to the theme, then leave a comment and a link in the contestpost and use the tag #lovetheclouds or #pod.

There are HIVE and POB tokens as prices.

So it's worth joining in there.

The clouds are not really clouds. Rather a collection of condensation trails left behind by airplanes.
Even if most people think that they are just air turbulence, it is actually a toxic mixture that is created when kerosene is burned.
It's like putting a hose into the exhaust pipe of a car and breathing it in.
The fact that you can see these "clouds" for miles from the ground shows how large the amount of exhaust fumes is that is produced there.





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