Lunar Light Healer and MiuMiu | FANART


Hollo Zingers!

I wanna share this fanart I've drawn of MiuMiu and the Light Healer. I started drawing this on the first week of the month for supposed to be uploaded on the day of the lunar year but life got busy with side quests here and there and haven't been able to touch my pen for a while. So, even though very late with the event please let me share this with you as I can't wait for the next lunar year to come:<



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I started with a rough sketch using this pin as my pose reference and went on with the neater sketch and then a detailed one as I learned from my past painting, using a more definite guidelines/sketch greatly helped in the coloring stage, it reduces the chance of me getting lost and lessen the time I usually spent for constantly adjusting some parts.

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Here I added and painted the colors from the base to the shadows. I then painted the shadows with warm colors and textures using various brushes, studying the art style of Mahsa



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On this part I tried to add the transparent coat as you can see on the reference or was it part of the dress? I don't know what it's called. But the result didn't go as what I imagined it to be, so I removed it and proceeded with the simpler dress... less is more, indeed. I then painted the accessories on her hair and added some details on the umbrella. The bag on her back looks like a jar and I don't think Miumiu would fit in there so I repainted over it and made a bigger one and the design pattern were also inspired from the lighthealers bags in here and next is putting MiuMiu on it, but I guess he also hate being put in a cat carrier bag, I mean... just look at his face haha! The picture above was supposedly my final but it felt like kind of flat so I decided to give it a simple background and here is the RESULT...



Thank you for your time! Have a great weekend Zingers!

💾 Krita
🖊 XP-Pen Deco Mini 7

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