Zingtober Day 5 Binoculars - Zingu's Adventure [ESP/ENG]

Hello friends from Hive and the Holozing community! We continue with the Zingtober challenge, and today, October 5th, we check off another day from our Inktober calendar. Today's prompt was "Binoculars," a theme that at first glance may seem a bit disappointing, but through its simplicity, it tests our creativity.

¡Hola amigos de Hive y comunidad de Holozing! Continuamos con el reto de Zingtober, y hoy, 5 de octubre, tachamos un nuevo día de nuestro calendario del Inktober. La propuesta de hoy fue "Binoculares", una temática que a primera vista puede parecer un poco decepcionante, pero que a través de su sencillez pone a prueba nuestra creatividad.

If you remember or saw the first day's prompt, you'll know how Zingu sneaked into a Healer's backpack to see the world. So he will be today's protagonist, continuing with his travels and adventures. This time, he surveys the landscape and watches everything around him using binoculars from an ice platform in a cold landscape. This is a character I really enjoy drawing, although it has some difficult parts.

Si recuerdan o vieron la propuesta del primer día, sabrán cómo Zingu se coló en la mochila de un Healer para ver el mundo. Así que él será el protagonista de hoy, continuando con sus viajes y aventuras. En esta ocasión, divisa el paisaje y vigila todo a su alrededor usando unos binoculares desde una plataforma de hielo en un frío paisaje. Este es un personaje que disfruto mucho dibujar, aunque tiene algunas partes difíciles.

The drawing was done entirely in Photoshop using a single dry charcoal brush. I believe this type of brush greatly represents the spirit of Inktober. I hope you enjoy the final result as much as I enjoyed creating it. And I encourage you to participate. I also want to catch up and make an extra post for the two days that, due to circumstances beyond my control, I couldn't complete the challenge.

El dibujo fue realizado completamente en Photoshop usando un único pincel de carboncillo seco. Creo que este tipo de pincel representa mucho el espíritu del Inktober. Espero que disfruten el resultado final tanto como yo disfruté creándolo. Y los animo a participar. También quiero ponerme al día y realizar una publicación extra para los dos días que, por situaciones ajenas a mi voluntad, no pude llevar a cabo el reto.

Without further ado, a big greeting and many successes and creativity.

Sin más, un gran saludo y muchos éxitos y creatividad.

I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.

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