Zingtober Day 22 Camp [ESP/ENG]

Hello friends of Hive and the Holozing community. I hope you are having a nice day. We continue with a new day and a new challenge of Zingtober. Following the Inktober calendar, today’s challenge is themed "CAMP". So I got to work because from the first minute I knew what to do. I hope you like the result.

Hola amigos de Hive y comunidad de Holozing. Espero estén teniendo un lindo día. Continuamos con un nuevo día y nuevo reto del Zingtober. Siguiendo el calendario de Inktober, el reto correspondiente al día de hoy tenía por tema "CAMP". Así que me puse manos a la obra porque desde el primer minuto sabía qué hacer. Espero que les guste el resultado.

I started with the sketch of my drawing, and of course, the protagonist would be our Forest Healer. This time she is camping by the shore of a crystal-clear lake, which reflects a waning moon. Sitting on a log, she observes the calm landscape and the starry night. At her feet, clovers, her favorite plant, grow while she is illuminated by the flames of a crackling campfire. I really liked the tranquil atmosphere, which at the same time becomes silent and cozy.

Comencé con el boceto de mi dibujo y, por supuesto, la protagonista sería nuestra Forest Healer. Esta vez se encuentra acampando a la orilla de un cristalino lago, que refleja una luna menguante. Sentada en un tronco, observa el calmado paisaje y la noche estrellada. A sus pies crecen tréboles, su planta favorita, mientras es alumbrada por las llamas de una chisporroteante fogata. Me gustó mucho la atmósfera tranquila, que a la vez se convierte en silenciosa y acogedora.

Most of the textures achieved were using three brushes in addition to the two I always use. I was liking the result a lot and wanted to go a little further, so as the last detail, I added a layer of a beautiful gradient that reminded me of the light of a campfire. This layer was set to intense light mode, and what was once a simple black and white drawing obtained those vibrant colors.

La mayoría de las texturas logradas fueron utilizando tres pinceles en adición a los dos que siempre uso. Me estaba gustando mucho el resultado y quise ir un poco más lejos. Así que, como último detalle, coloqué una capa de un bello degradado que me recordaba la luz de una fogata en modo luz intensa, y lo que una vez fue un simple dibujo en blanco y negro obtuvo esos colores tan llamativos.

I hope you enjoy the process, which as always I share with you, and the final result. It has been quite an experience, one less day off the list, and ready for the next challenge. A big greeting and, as always, I wish you all good luck and success. See you in the comments. Bye!

Espero que disfruten el proceso, que como siempre les comparto, y el resultado final. Ha sido toda una experiencia, un día menos de la lista y listo para el próximo reto. Un gran saludo y, como siempre, les deseo buena suerte y éxitos. Los leo en los comentarios. ¡Chau!

I’m Ernesto, a Cuban passionate about art and writing. Always learning, always growing. Excited to share and learn more every day! I write about art, drawing, video games, nature, and review the things I like. My goal is to inspire and connect with others through my creative journey.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I apologize if there are any grammatical errors, English is not my native language, I have tried to be as careful as possible.
I regularly create images on Pixabay, which are free of copyright. Access my gallery by clicking here.
All assets, illustrations and banners have been created by me and are original content, unless otherwise specified.

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