MIU Made on White Paper | Fanart

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Welcome to the #HolozingCommunity. I was scrolling this community for a few days and seeing how everyone is making beautiful art with their skills and making this community beautiful. Everyone is trying to make beautiful fanart than everyone else. Seeing all these beautiful arts, I also decided to make a fanart. I know I have chosen a difficult thing but I took it as a challenge.

I made art many years ago. When we were given a picture to draw on a daily basis. And now I have decided to make a fanart. I am very much looking forward to the holozing game and hope to see more holozing game related things and characters in this community very soon.


  • White Paper

  • Sketch Pencil

  • Black Pointer

  • Pencil Colors


I came back from college and after fresh I decided that now I will make MIU. I sat down with a paper and a sketch pencil. I had no idea how to begin. I sat wondering where to start. Then I started from one of her ear and made my way to her other ear. After completing these ears I got a bit of motivation that I can do it. I planned to complete the rest of it quickly. And I tried to make his feet very carefully and beautifully. Her little nose I made in a second and it looked so cute

Right now I made this MIU with a sketch pencil so I can erase it if I make a mistake. And when I finished it with a sketch pencil, I looked at it from a distance and I couldn't believe that I could draw so well. Now after seeing this I wanted to complete the rest of his work quickly. I then completed the whole MIU with a black pointer. Now the only thing missing is the color

Now I added colors to this MIU to make it more beautiful. And when I filled it with all the colors, I couldn't believe I made it.

I was jumping for joy and I was showing this MIU to my family. And was saying look how cute this is I made it.

Now I was looking for a frame to store this MIU. And then I framed it and hung it on my living room wall. So that whenever I see it, it inspires me to make more pictures like this. I now assess my art to see how I am capable

Thank You for Glancing on My Work✨

All Pictures are @sahi1

Connect to Discord: @sahi1

Made With Canva

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