Drawing inspired by Grass Racoon


It seems to me that this is the first time that I feel so identified with a creature from a game and I really identify very well with Grass Racoon because God! I have dark circles under my eyes the size of Grass Racoon's and well, I think it's obvious that I like him because he's the main character of my separators.

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Well, by now you already know that Holozing has some inspiration from Pokémon and recently some of the accessories that will be available for the characters were revealed. Something that caught my attention was that bag of food, and then in the following days I came up with the idea of putting together a story where they go out to catch some of the creatures and this creature steals their food.
I already had the idea in my head, so the rest was to put the plan into action, but, apparently, it's not as easy as I thought.


That was something from my original idea, but in the process of painting Grass Racoon something happened that made the forest girl lose some of her original colors, and it took me a long time trying to find the flaw and I didn't get it and I would already have about seven hours in the search for the shape, the touch and everything I wanted, so I felt stressed and erased everything.


On Saturday I went back to work on my idea, but this time I said I would do something simpler because I'm not really a professional artist because this is more for my own amusement and because sometimes I get some ideas in my head and I like to capture it to see how it looks.


Bringing Grass Racoon to life with the colors has been a challenge for me because I didn't want it to look too flat, so I had to watch several tutorials and practice a lot of times until I got the effects I wanted.
You know, I wanted to try to present something amazing.
After three days of trial and error I had finally achieved a beautiful result that I will share with you through this post.

favor por comida.png

Introducing Grass Racoon enjoying the food he has taken from the healers without them noticing.
Of course, unlike the original he seems a bit more cheerful and it could be because he likes what he is eating and is also enjoying the prank he played to taunt the healers who are looking for him.

Diseño sin título (5).png

Used tools:
Post cover design in Canva.
Drawing made in PAINT TOOL SAI
Text translated in Deepl.

Diseño sin título (1).gif

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