Woolitz is a cloud

hello Guys what's going on I am here again in this community after a week do you remember guys what I made last time yeah it was very cute character we all aware of I am very glad to see that how much it was appreciated by the community and the other members of the community thanks for appreciating my content I am here again with another stuff to be honest I did it in a haste now let's see how does it goes that forget to give your suggestions below in the comment section.

How I did this

  • In the first step with the help of a removable black pointer create the whole sketch of the figure you can also use other stuff like lead pencil to sign out the sketch as well.

  • As you can see from the topic this is a mixed art my mean it includes both painting and embroidery to be honest I take help of painting as I didn't have that much that spectacular band of colour so far making the face and the found of the I used raw poster colour.

  • Now it comes the part of embroidery for making the eyebrow of this angry character I used dark purple colour these colours are also made out of wool of my mean these thread so the results are quite fine first of all I was eager to make French knot stitch for making the figure but later it and it up making straight stitch as it is another easy and convenient.

  • For making the hounds of this huge bull 🐂 I used the same colour which we can see in the original piece of art you guess right it is yellow and for shading it I used to colours dark bright yellow and dull colour yellow.

  • Now come the main part of making the body of this stunning character as we can see in the original art of this gaining character it is great so I used to the same colour for making the body I used trade stitch to fill this cloud it didn't took more time but as I started making it right after noon so during making this got dark hair and it was quite inconvenient to do this in the dark.

    Final look ✨😄

    That's it guys this was alpha today's article I hope you guys would love this like always don't forget to give your suggestions below in the comment section either should I do the body with French not stitch or straight stitch well thanks for visiting my content see you next time.
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