First Liquidity Reward Claim - More Liquidity Added


Okay, this is really exciting... Holozing is giving me adventures and I'm loving the new lessons I'm learning from all of this while I earn some sweet zing rewards and I think that's the most amazing way to learn... Learning and earning! Lol.

About two days ago, I joined the liquidity pool gang and today, I checked my wallet to see that I've started getting some sweet rewards added from liquidity. I didn't add much for a start but the reward I got is a lot than I had expected, I guess it is thanks to the APR for liquidity pool.

I started by adding only 130 Zing to liquidity, that was just me trying out a small figure as I am still learning how to get it right with adding liquidity, I think there's some calculations to be done before I can earn to maximum from the liquidity pool but I'm not sure how.


With the 130 Zing added, I got to earn a little more than 1 Zing in a day, not so bad I think. I actually got excited to see that I am earning this reward in liquid and I can decide to stake it or add it up for more liquidity and I chose to do the latter.

Well, you know what happens when excitement is born, you want to feel it again. And so, I decided to add more Zing to liquidity for more rewards.



This time around, I added less but I'll make sure I add more by next week, I'm thinking of adding above 1000 Zing to liquidity but it seems my calculation to get it right isn't calculating lol. I'll learn more into it and add the target amount I have in mind.

This is really easier than I had been thinking, I wish I had started to earn from liquidity long before now. This is has taught me to be faster in making a move regarding things like this, that is, learning as fast I can and not procrastinate doing it.

So I added almost a 100 more Zing to liquidity pool and now I have a total of 232 added.


The target is 1k before the APR goes too low, I think I'll be able to add all at once if I get the calculation right by next week. So I'm looking forward to earning more rewards from my liquidity commitment.

As at today, I earn more than 150 Zing daily. Not so bad for a small account like mine hehe. Hopefully, I'd be able to meet my goal of 10k staked Zing before the game launches or even surpass that target. The main thing is, to keep stacking and buying if possible to stake more.

That's it for today's update on my account, I was inspired by a new Hive user who is passionate about art to try making out something with arts for Holozing, I might really give it a try or showcase my brother's talent if he agrees to spend sometime giving arts to the community.

Until then, I'll keep staking and growing my Holozing portfolio. If you're not on Holozing yet, you're missing out on sweet rewards and it's not too late yet.

Stay tuned by following up on Hive account @holozing
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Images are taken from the Holozing site and designed by me

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