Embroidery Of Noxic /Fanart

Helo friends after a long time i came back here. Today i made embroidery of Noxic. I made embroidery in a different way but seems like noxic. I want to make it for many times but have no time and i thought its a little tough but i tried my best to creat it in embroidery style.Hope you will like my work . I made it at late night but finished. I have already threads fabric and other material at home so it was easy for me. So let's start the embroidery.


First i made sketch of noxic with led pencil on white fabric.

Later on i took pink color thread and put it in the needle then started to make outline of wings with chain tanka. Its also looking like a chain. I made both sides of noxic.

Then i took green color thread and did embroidery in face with whole color. I made design inside the wings and filled dots.

I used yellow in the legs of noxic and at the lower part of wings.

At the last i used blue shade and completed my embroidery of noxic. Its ready for final look. You guys can see pictures.

Final look

I also made a video you can watch at the end. My task is ready. Gave me good response of my embroidery work. see you. bye.

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