My Entry to Holozing Background Contest | Grass Racoon Background!

thumbnail bg.png

I am happy that there is another art contest to participate again and this time around its about the background of the holozing creature's card. After reading the post about this particular contest I eagerly searched on the web, since Grass Racoon was my first artwork here on this community I chose him again to be my subject.Anyway! here is the link for those who are interested , to participate.

So according to the contest here are some of the requirements and rules to follow...

  • Create a background for 1 starter creature with the starter in the centre of the image.
  • The image should be in portrait mode.
  • Background/environment should correspond to the type of creature you have selected.
  • Use your imagination and skills. NO AI. NO STOCK IMAGES. NO COPYRIGHTED CONTENT.
  • Make a post in the HOLOZING community showing your creative process. Show the final background with the starter creature in the centre and also without it.
  • Enter your submissions before the payout of this post.
  • One submission per person.

But I want to focus on this one..

Background/environment should correspond to the type of creature you have selected.

With that I searched for what kind of habitat do Racoons usually stay at most of the time. And according to this site.

Raccoons prefer wooded areas near streams, ponds, and marshes but are highly adaptable and can live in agricultural areas and in close proximity to human developments. They make their dens in tree cavities, abandoned woodchuck or fox burrows, rock crevices, brush piles, chimneys, attics, sheds, and other structures.

And so I decided to draw a background with a wood log besides a pond also a grassy field to compliment Grass Racoon as a grass-type holo. Now let me proceed with the art process!

Grass Racoon Background Art Process in Photoshop CC 2018

  • First I import the png image of grass racoon that was provided from the contest post!
  • then I draw the soil part of it! and sky blue at the back which will be our sky later on
  • then after that draw the pond using a bluish somewhat purple color!on the right side of grass racoon
  • then put a grass of that layer and some bushes at the back, I also initially render the bushes
  • Now its time to draw the wood log, where a wild Grass Racoon might usually live in.
  • After that initially rendered the wood as well.

-THen draw some water edges on the pond as well as draw grass using a texture brush on photoshop!

  • Then I started to render the background as a whole, and temporarily hide grass racoon to focus on the background! I also draw some clouds to make the sky a bit more lively.

-Then just some finishing touches to complete the background!

Here are the final Results both with Grass Racoon and Background Only

grass racoon bg with racoon.pngbackground only.png
With Grass RacoonBackground Only
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1 column
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