90s anime retro art of Holozing Ocean Lady and Miumiu

Every thing starts with a small sketch first. Once I was satisfied with the sketch, I did the line work. The fine lining of the whole sketch but today i want it raw and no cleaning at all. I was born in 1994 and if that makes sense that i love the classic nineties style. I grew up watching Ranma, Inuyasha, Magic Knight Rayearth and list goes on and on.

Finishing the sketch with miumiu but i like to draw the cat in my own vibes.

Once i am satisfied with the sketch i instantly start with the colors and even if it is a digital tablet i am still love the idea to use it like a traditional paper. And that is why i still do the process like it is traditional one.

My Name is Jenedee T. Uniforme,29 years of age, a college Instructor at Laguna State Polytechnic University , Los Banos Campus. A wife and mother of two boys soon to be three 💖. Love arts and DIY stuffs.

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