The Ultimate Healer | Holozing Fan Art | Happy Year 2024

Holozing Ultimate Healer.jpeg


In this part of the world, we are still a few hours away from the new year, so I take this opportunity to wish you a prosperous 2024 and much happiness. A couple of weeks ago I posted a rustic sketch about a proposed character of the same lineage as the healers, which at the time was presented by the Holozing team. So, I said to myself, great! I will take this opportunity to learn how to illustrate digitally. I will create the Ultimate Healer—one with all the skills and powers of the Grass, Ocen, and Fire-Electric couples.

In the process of creating my unofficial version of a tentative Ultimate Healer, wildcard type; besides having fun, it has made me grow in this beautiful art. Now, my sketches have gone from paper to tablet screen, directly. I won't lie to you, many mistakes in the handling of the software, trial, and error, for someone who is a perfectionist, have thrown hours of effort into the digital waste basket. But it's worth it, you learn by doing...

In the first instance, I wanted to ink the freehand sketch. But my pulse, and ignorance of the tools and basic drawing techniques made me give up, and consequently, I said to myself, with the general idea I will do it from scratch.


Well, the sketch wasn't so bad, right? Lol.

So, having overcome this stage, I began, now, seriously, the design of the Definitive Healer, a young one, but not so young; with a moderate beard and red hair (between dark brown and red) kinky.

I don't know if this is the right thing to do. I first drew the head, following the sphere technique and the three-thirds. Then, I drew the naked body up to the waist. The next step was, in another layer, to draw the lines of the clothes. I drew the three emblems (Grass, Ocean, Fire-Electric) that would be printed in the center of the T-shirt.

I applied some transparency masks, and some transformation masks, until I got the image I had in mind.

There is a saying that a picture says more than a thousand words, so here are some snapshots of the creative process:








I know my character differs a bit from the style of the official healers, but deep down it's driven by the same enthusiasm and desire to make it a resounding success. At least for me, it already is. At the very moment of inspired me to delve into an art that I had seriously abandoned since I was a child.

After many days, of watching tutorials and doing many exercises to improve the strokes I could finish the following artwork:


I imagine that this is what the Ultimate Healer card would look like if it were to be minted in the future.

Ultimate Healer-_Final_Variant.jpeg

I take this opportunity to express that I am very excited about the latest updates announced by the Holozing team and that augurs an excellent start of the year for this great game that will be born in Hive and with some luck will transcend its to other blockchains as technology allows.

Greetings, and Happy Year 2024.


Free to Use Holozing Dividers by @saydie

An original artwork inspired by the Holozing. Created in Krita 5.2.1 by me

A post by @janaveda originally written in Spanish and translated to English with (free version)

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