NEW idea for a holozing creature - vulmeon [SEMI-LEGENDARIO]

Hello community, today I come to show you a proposal for a new creature called VULMEON in the SEMI-legendary range, this is a flying fire creature and is one of the legendary ones in the lowest range, being called semi-legendary or pseudo- legendary since it has no evolution but its base power is much higher than common creatures, they are not completely legendary because there are many of them and they are usually seen in areas where there are volcanoes since the VULMEONS are like the protective deities of the volcanoes, they have a very strong will and its white and red fur make it look like a comet when it flies at high speeds, it has an elongated body to be more aerodynamic and its tail, which is quite muscular, helps it fly better and also hits quite hard when attacking. They prefer the night despite being a creature of fire and due to their predominant white color they are also considered to have an affinity with the moon.

To create this creature I thought of a ferret for the body, at first it would not have wings but rather its ears would be on fire, but that resource was already used so later I decided to give it wings and make it flying/fire, I also wanted to leave it with white as the dominant color to make it look like a delicate creature when the reality is very different. I hope you like this drawing.


hola comunidad, hoy vengo a mostrarles una propuesta para una criatura nueva llamada VULMEON en el rango de los SEMI-legendarios, esta es una criatura de fuego voladora y es de las legendarias en el rango mas bajo, siendo llamados semi-legendarios o pseudo-legendarios ya que no tiene evolucion pero su poder base es mucho mas elevado que las criaturas comunes, no son completamente legendarios porque hay muchos y suelen ser vistos en areas donde hay volcanes ya que los VULMEONS son como las deidades protectoras de los volcanes, tienen una voluntad muy fuerte y su pelaje blanco y rojo lo hacen parecer un cometa cuando vuela a altas velocidades, tiene un cuerpo alargado para ser mas aerodinamico y su cola que es bastante musculosa le sirve para planear mejor y tambien a la hora de atacar golpea bastante fuerte, perfieren la noche a pesar de ser una criatura de fuego y por su color blanco predominante tambien se les considera que tienen una afinidad con la luna.

para la creacion de esta criatura pense en un huron para el cuerpo, al principio no tendria alas sino que sus orejas estarian encendidas, pero ese recurso ya se utilizo asi que luego decidi darle alas y hacerlo volador/fuego, tambien lo quise dejar con el blanco como color dominante para que se viera como una criatura delicada cuando la realidad es una muy distinta. espero les guste este dibujo.











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