New Holozing Revealed items: Forest gloves, capture Device and capture Ammo.

Greetings Everyone on the holozing platform. I hope we're all good.

It's a new week and we are looking forward to the release and launch of this long awaited holozing game. The holozing team are really working hard on making progress to ensure that the game we're all expecting will be an amazing and an extraordinary one.

Few days ago, new items were revealed with all these items. The game we're expecting will be an amazing and exciting one. I will not fail to appreciate @craizuss for that wonderful art well designed. I must commend them for being beautiful. Your efforts are appreciated. With these new items one can see that the game will be a unique one and will be the best play2earn game.

New Holozing items Released

New items have been recently added to the holozing game. Items like Forest Healing gloves, The Capture Device and Capture Ammo.

Forest healing gloves

These gloves are not just ordinary gloves, they play a vital role in the game. The gloves are used by healers to be able to cast healing spell on their creatures. These healing spells can be used both in and off battle and cost mana. This Mana is similar to the RC mana that is present here on hive as it will constantly regenerate stats except the healer is in a battle. Another unique thing about the healing glove is that they're account bound rather than soul- bound items which will enable the use of starter gloves on other healers. This is really unique and Amazing. I cannot wait to play this game.

The Capture Device and Capture Ammo.

After a long thought on the concept of the capturing device, holozing came up with capturing devices that looks more like a gun. The capture Devices may have different designs and shapes in future. The devices won't be restricted to classes, all classes can use it but the only difference is that it will differ from other Alpha capturing devices in terms of rarity and stats. The capturing device will require electricity and it will also require Ammo clip.

Another Amazing thing is that the capture device and capture Ammo comes in different colours, The orange, purple, holo colour, green and blue. The Ammo clips have their own rarity and stats to be able to mix and match between Ammo and device. All these items are amazing ànd extraordinary with great purposes to aid in playing the game.

For more information on the new revealed items and also to get updated information about the holozing game, follow @holozing.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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