[Zingtober] - BOOTS! DAY 3/30 😎

vamos! 🤠






Good night, Holozing Community 😘 , ...

Welcome back brother and thanks to all who accompany me on this journey of INKTOBER, this time I share with you my work today 🤠 ... I woke up yesterday thinking about what character I could make to go with the boots and I fell asleep in the course hahahah xD but when I woke up I had a revelation about a post-apocalyptic world dominated by flies and that do business with the Zingtoken in a physical way, anyway things of my head.... then I represented on the canvas this crazy set.

At first, before I fell asleep 😄, I wanted to make a concept art of a Merchandising boots of the Holozing brand, but I missed the time and I got sleepy, sorry.

As I already had a previous sketch of the boots, I only needed the character I'm talking about, but I didn't want something exact, I wanted to make a mockery, so I decided to make the boots bigger than the fly.



Bienvenido hermano nuevamente y gracias a todos lo que me acompañan en esta travesía del INKTOBER, ésta vez le comparto mi trabajo de hoy 🤠 ... me desvelé ayer pensando que personaje pudiera hacer para acompañar las botas y me quedé dormido en el transcurso jajaj xD pero al despertarme tuve una revelación sobre un mundo pos-apocalyptico dominado por las moscas y que hacen negocios con el Zingtoken de manera física, en fin cosas de mi cabeza.... entonces representé sobre el lienzo este conjunto loco.

En un principio, antes que me quede dormido 😄, quise realizar un arte conceptual de una botas de Merchandising de la marca de Holozing, pero se me pasó la hora y me ganó el sueño, perdonen.

Como ya tenía un boceto previo delas botas solo me faltaba el personaje del cual les comento, pero no quería algo exacto sino que haga una burla, entonces se ocurrió hacer las botas mas grandes que la mosca.

boots inktober day3.jpg

This was my version for the HOLOZING - INKTOBER,


❤️ Thanks , Thanks, Thanks for reading and see you on the next Edition ! ❤️ thank you very much for your support, and I am open to any collaboration.

The art was made by me in Pohotoshop and the separators made by me in photoshop and after effects.

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