Holozing Fanart: Ocean Healer

Hey there guys. It's been a while since my last post because I've been on a trip for a while now. I was thinking of giving my Holozing fan art series a rest since I got back home, but I figured that's how habits are lost and I didn't want to lose the edge I've been improving for the past few months, so I decided to get my pen and start drawing.
Thankfully I got to finish it before it was too late and here I am with the complete result.

I tried to go for an alt e-look for the Ocean Healer this time. Her radiant hair with the bubbles and sparkles was the new experiment here and I think it was a success if I say so myself.

I really hope that you enjoyed this piece that was done on my days off with more free time. Let me know what you think about it in the comments down below and I'll be seeing you in the next fan art... cheers~~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art

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2 columns
1 column