Holozing Fanart: Female Forest Healer

Hey there, everyone. I hope you're having a great day. I'm thrilled to post today's fan art of the Forest Healer - "New Attribute" version. It was new compared to the usual characters I've drawn until now - the color selection, theme, and everything. I was nervous about whether or not it would turn out alright, but I'm happy to see everything working out in the end.

One of the hardest parts about this piece was choosing its background. At first, I colored it light red as a sort of placeholder, but nearing the end of it, due to her colorful hair, I couldn't pick a contrasting or complimenting color to fit and match with her. After some consideration, I took inspiration from the red flowers on her hair and turned the background to resemble a sea of red flower petals. Surprisingly that turned out pretty decent and the piece was complete.

I hope you enjoyed today's piece as well. As always, I'm looking forward to your thoughts and opinions in the comments... until next fan art, cheers~

The Process

The Result

Original Game Art

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