Subfamily Eumolpinae

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Subfamily EumolpinaeSeptember 29 2024Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia

The Eumolpinae subfamily is a species of beetle from the Chrysomelidae family which includes various species of beetles. These beautiful beetles can be found in various habitats, from tropical forests to grasslands, and I was lucky to find them in the forest near the river when I went fishing for water fish. yesterday, they were small in size and were sitting quietly on a weed leaf. I approached slowly to capture some pictures, but because the size was too small, it was difficult for me to capture them from many sides and be seen clearly.

This beautiful beetle is known as a herbivore that affects the surrounding vegetation, while the characteristic of Eumolpinae is its varied body shape, usually oval and elongated with various colors and patterns, but it can be said that many species from this subfamily have metallic and bright colors, and It is believed that these bright colors are a reminder to predators that this beetle is probably poisonous and doesn't taste delicious, so they will be safe from being targeted by predators. These are unique in their amazing body shape and metallic color so they look like gems in the wild.

Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographySubfamily Eumolpinae
LocationBuket Alue Puteh

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