Genus Auricularia

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Genus AuriculariaOctober 07 2024Buket Alue Puteh, Aceh, Indonesia

The genus Auricularia is included in the group of fungi and is widely known because of its unique physical form and various benefits for human health. One of the most famous and widely found species is Auricularia-judae, while in Indonesia this fungus is known as "fungus ear" and that makes sense because its shape is similar to an ear. This mushroom is easy to recognize thanks to its shape which resembles an ear and its color which is very different from other mushrooms in general. As far as I know, the Auricularia genus only grows in damp places on wood that has been rotting due to submersion in water and the influence of surrounding humidity.

as I wrote at the beginning of the post, auricularia mushrooms have a unique shape and a variety of colors, from brown to black, their curved shape and smooth surface make them look attractive and stunning in the wild, they are an amazing prima donna that is neatly arranged in dead wood, the natural habitat of this fungus involves tropical and subtropical forests, and in Southeast Asia is one of the easiest places to find this fungus, this fungus looks flexible and easily damaged, at first glance when touched this fungus gives a tactile feeling like touching jelly, so You must be careful when picking so that the soft surface of the mushroom is not damaged.

If you go into the past you will find heart-warming facts, this mushroom is very well known in traditional medicine, especially in ancient Asian cultures, the auricularia mushroom is believed to be rich in nutrients, contains B vitamins, and also contains important minerals such as potassium and magnesium, and this mushroom also has antioxidant compounds, from several studies I have read, this mushroom can improve the immune system and reduce inflammation, and even has the potential to reduce dangerous cholesterol levels, while the polysaccharide content in auricularia is also believed to improve heart health .

Camera usedsmartphone
PhotographyGenus Auricularia
LocationBuket Alue Puteh

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