Potanthus omaha

Latin NameObservation dataLocation
Potanthus omahaNovember 29, 2023Sigli, Pidie, Aceh, Indonesia

Hello, good afternoon to all friends, best wishes to all of us and hopefully we are always in good condition.

On this happy afternoon I want to show some pictures of one type of insect that is quite good, namely Potanthus omaha, we can see from the appearance of the shape and color that it is quite beautiful and I really like the appearance of this picture. Again, this is a pretty good picture and some people think of this animal as a butterfly which has pretty good eyes and pretty good colors.

In the small forest areas near where we live, we can find quite a lot of animals like this and usually in the afternoon we can easily approach animals like this because they are not wild or as agile as during the day. Thank you very much friend.

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