Polistes stigma.

Latin nameObservation dateLocation
Polistes stigma04.september.2024Lenang, Pantan Nangka, Kec. Linge, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah,Indonesia.

Friends, the Polistes stigma or commonly known as wasp species is inspiring me right now. In these photos I want to invite all my colleagues to get to know this wasp.

Through several pictures that I uploaded, we can clearly see the unique shape of its slender body with contrasting yellow and black colors, making this wasp easy to recognize among the leaves.

Let's look at the following pictures, hopefully the results of the observations that I share can bring benefits, especially to me personally and all my colleagues, and from these pictures we can also understand the various biodiversity that exists around us.

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Thank you for visiting my post! All the images I upload are the results of my personal findings during my journey exploring the world of photography.

Each photo contains a unique story and experience that I want to share with you. I hope that through these photos, you can experience the beauty and magic that I have encountered on my photography journey. Enjoy every detail and moment captured in these images, and I hope they inspire and bring joy to you.

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