Ischnura fluviatilis.

Latin nameObservation dateLocation
Ischnura fluviatilis01.Agustus.2024Lenang, Pantan Nangka, Kec. Linge, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah,Indonesia.

Friends, in this observation I will discuss the type of insect Ischnura fluviatilis, Ischnura fluviatilis which is known as a species of dragonfly, this dragonfly has a unique physical shape so it is very interesting to look at. One of the striking characteristics of this insect is its slender and elongated body so it looks graceful when flying.

Their long and slender bodies usually have a variety of basic colors, including shades of blue, green and black which often appear metallic and even red. These colors provide a very striking appearance and help identify this species in the wild.

This dragonfly's wings also have their own uniqueness. The wings are transparent with an intricate pattern of veins, giving the impression of a fine web. These wings are not only beautiful, but also very functional, allowing these insects to perform very fast and accurate flying maneuvers.

The two eyeballs of Ischnura fluviatilis are also one of its prominent physical characteristics. Like most dragonflies, the eyes are large and prominent, covering almost the entire head. These eyes consist of thousands of ommatidia, small eye units that allow these dragonflies to have very sharp and wide vision.

Apart from that, the dragonfly legs that I encountered also have a very specific function. Their long, slender legs allow them to perch stably on a variety of surfaces and twigs. These legs are also equipped with fine hairs that help in catching and holding prey. The combination of a dynamic body, beautiful wings, sharp eyes, and functional legs makes them a highly adaptive and interesting species to study.

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