Utetheisa pulchelloides

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Utetheisa pulchelloides21 09 2024North Acèh Regency, Acèh, Indonesia

While exploring a small forest in the village, I discovered a small and charming butterfly called Utetheisa pulchelloides. Its striking appearance immediately caught my attention. Its body is covered in bright red and yellow spots over its beautiful white wings, making it look like a small gem hidden among the leaves.

The Utetheisa pulchelloides butterfly is usually known as the "poisonous brown butterfly" because it consumes plants that contain alkaloid compounds. This compound not only functions as protection from predators, but also provides bright colors which act as a natural warning to predators. Seeing it in its natural habitat really provides an interesting experience, because this butterfly is rarely seen, especially in protected forest areas.

I tried to capture this moment carefully so as not to disturb the butterfly. It is clear that nature always offers small miracles in every corner. Hopefully other nature lovers can also find hidden beauty like this when exploring.

Camera usedSmartphone
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyUtetheisa pulchelloides
LocationAceh Indonesia

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