Uraria crinita

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Uraria crinitaSeptember 25 2024Central Aceh Regency,Aceh, Indonesia

Today I am back again to entertain you with the photography that we see here and one of the unique wild flowers and maybe I rarely see it, when I see it then I immediately capture some of its images like what I have done here.

This wild flower grows like a polar plant and this flower also has several colors such as pink and also purple even I have also seen white all have colors that attract my attention about one of the wild flowers.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the garden to see some of the plants that I had planted in the garden, one of the plants that I planted in the garden was chili plants and also cucumbers.

So the wild flower that I show the picture of I found when I was walking to my garden and at that time I saw this small wild flower growing there so I captured some images of this wild flower for me to use as a post image here with you.

Hopefully you all can be entertained with some of the pictures that I have taken.

Camera UsedZTE
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyUraria crinita

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