Get active creating! Beautiful bracelet with flowers to surprise your mom on her day.

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The most beautiful and lovely things of all sometimes cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt in the heart.

Teresa of Calcutta

Hello #hivedy community delighted to greet you and wish you happy and blessed Thursday. I pray the blessed one gives you prosperity and abundant health.

On this occasion I wish to share with you a beautiful bracelet with flowers. It is a beautiful jewel ideal to give to the special person.
In this opportunity I join the initiative to elaborate a special detail for Mother's Day.
For this contest I made a beautiful bracelet with flowers and Czech glass, it is worth mentioning that this jewel was super nice to give to mom on her day. Before I continue, I wish that all the mothers of the community be blessed in a great way.

Without further ado, I invite you to work with me to make this beautiful bracelet to surprise mom with a small detail on her celebration, and to make her look beautiful and youthful. So, hands to the thread

Las cosas más bella y hermosas de todas a veces no pueden ser vistas ni tocada, deben sentirse en el corazón.

Teresa de Calcuta

Hola comunidad #hivedy encantado en saludarles y desearles feliz y bendecido jueves. Ruego al bendito les dé prosperidad y abundante salud.

En esta ocasión deseo compartirles una hermosa pulsera con flores . Es una hermosa joya ideal para regalar a la persona especial.
En esta oportunidad me uno a la iniciativa de elaborar un detalle especial para el día de las madres .
Para este concurso elaboré una hermosa pulsera de hilos con flores y cristal checo , es de mencionar que esta joya quedó super bonita para regalar a mamá en su día. Antes de proseguir deseo que todas las madres de la comunidad sean bendecida en gran manera.

Sin más que agregar les invito a elaborar conmigo esta hermosa pulsera para sorprender con un pequeño detalle a mamá en su celebración, además que luzca guapa y juvenil. Así que, manos al hilo

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The materials I used to make this beautiful macramé bracelet are:
Chinese thread 0.8mm
Measuring tape
Adhesive tape
Czech glass

Los materiales que usé para realizar esta hermosa pulsera macramé son:
Hilo chino 0.8mm
Cinta métrica
Cinta adhesiva
Cristal checo

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I started by cutting two 40cm strands of thread for the base of the bracelet.
Inicié cortando dos hebras de hilos de 40cm para la base de la pulsera

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Then I cut a 140cm strand of thread that I will use to weave the bracelet.

Después corté una hebra de hilo de 140cm que usaré para realizar el tejido de la pulsera

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Then I brought the threads to the board at a distance of 8cm from the top downwards and fastened them with a hook. From that distance I started to make my flat weave.
Seguidamente llevé los hilos a la tabla a una distancia de 8cm de la parte superior hacia abajo y sujeté con un gancho. A partir de esa distancia empecé a realizar mi tejido plano

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Then I started my flat knitting as follows: First I took the right yarn, passed it over the base , made a P shape, then took the left yarn, passed it over the right yarn (which was on the left side) , next passed it over left of the base and pulled it out inside the right yarn (the P shape). Then I stretched the thread on each side evenly to make the knot. With your fingers you press it so that it is even on both sides.
Then I started my flat knitting as follows: First I took the right yarn, passed it over the base , made a P shape, then took the left yarn, passed it over the right yarn (which was on the left side) , next passed it over left of the base and pulled it out inside the right yarn (the P shape). Then I stretched the thread on each side evenly to make the knot. With your fingers you press it so that it is even on both sides.

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Now we take the thread on the left side and pass it over the base thread, we form a kind of four, then we pass the thread on the right side over the left thread that we have on the right side, then we pass it under the base thread and take it out through the inside or ring of the left thread as shown in the image. Then we press with our fingers so that it is the same on both sides
Ahora tomamos el hilo del lado izquierdo y lo pasé por encima del hilo base, formamos una especie de cuatro, luego pasamos el hilo del lado derecho por encima del hilo izquierdo que tenemos en el lado derecho, después lo pasamos por debajo del hilo base y lo sacamos por el interior o argolla del hilo izquierdo como nos lo señala la imagen . Seguidamente con los dedos presionamos para que quede igual de ambos lados

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I continued to tie the same flat knot until I completed three full knots. Then I introduced a pearl through the base threads, then through the left thread and through the thread on the right side I introduced five Czech crystals of different colors on both sides.

I then tied a complete flat knot to make the flower.

Seguí realizando el mismo nudo plano hasta completar tres nudos completos. Después introduje una perla por los hilos base, seguidamente por el hilo izquierdo y por el hilo del lado derecho introduje cinco cristales checos de diferentes colores en ambos lados.

Después realicé un nudo plano completo para hacer la flor

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I continued with the same procedure, first I introduced the pearl through the base threads and the Czech crystals through the side threads, but this time inverting the order of the previous colors.
Seguí realizando el mismo procedimiento , primero introduje la perla por los hilos base y los critales checos por los hilos de los lados pero en esta ocasión invirtiendo el orden d elos colores anteriores

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I continued with the same procedure
Continué con el mismo procedimiento

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I followed the same procedure, remember, first we introduce the pearl, then the Czech crystals and then we make a complete flat knot.
Seguí realizando el mismo procedimiento , recuerden, primero introducimos la perla luego los cristales checos y después hacemos un nudo plano completo

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I continued in the same way until I reached the desired size. Then I cut the excess threads and sealed.
Then I cut a 20cm strand of thread to make slipknots that will be the bracelet's locking ring. This is a very beautiful and delicate bracelet to give to my mother on her day.

Seguí de la misma forma hasta llegar a la medida deseada. Luego corté los hilos sobrantes y sellé. Después corté una hebra de hilo de 20cm para hacer nudos corredizo que será el trancadero de la pulsera. Ésta quedó muy hermosa y delicada para regalar a mamá en su día.

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The bracelet with flowers and Czech crystals for mom looks very nice on us

La pulsera con flores y cristales checo para mamá nos queda muy bonita

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Finally, I invite my friend @evelin71 and @yessi08 to give a gift with the purpose of pampering mom on such a special day.
Para finalizar invito a mi amiga @evelin71 y @yessi08 a regalar un detalle con el propósito de consentir a mamá en un día tan especial

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Translated with
                  All images are my own, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

             Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.

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