Inspiration is Everywhere,You Just Need To Find It.

You need passion to start out however, commitment to growth will make you stand out.

As far back as year 2015, I started putting out writing pieces on my Facebook timelines,writing about topics that cut across all facets of humanity ; religion, education, lifestyles, relationship, fashion, just name it. And before I knew it, people started to refer to me as a Writer.

A player plays,
A cook cooks
A designer designs
A marketer market
A teacher teaches
A reader reads
A Speakers speaks
A father fathers
A security secures
A ruler rules
A leader leads etc

Hence, when you do something repeatedly,people start identifying you to it.

The so quick bequeathed title didn't sit well with me at first because, I thought to be a writer, one needs certificates that ought to be as a seal or stamp for proper incorporation into the profession, apparently I had none. So, I went ahead to register for couple of Writing Academy online, did that help? Yeah! it does but, its became inconsequential in the long run.
Writing is one of the professions that, the skill speaks for itself;No firm,industry or organisation hires the skill of a writer majorly because, of his or her certificates but rather they will ask you, where are your past works? Can we get to see your portfolios?

So to the question,how do I gain inspiration for my posts or creations?

Inspiration is everywhere you just need to find it.

There are many ways I gain inspiration for my pieces, these are few of it.

  • Experience :- "Experience they say, is the best teacher" therefore, writing about it,is one too easiest of tasks. Writing from experience is like narratively telling others what has happened and this apparently doesn't demands much brain racking because, you just need to find the appropriate words to describe what you've encountered unlike expository writing or fictional writing.

  • Sudden Knowledge :- This is spontaneous knowledge gained as a result of, bumping into an article, reading through other people's posts, books or works. And, there's one attribute common among writers, when they feel empowered by something, there is the push to share it to their readers hence, we don't hoard knowledge.

  • Intuitive Knowledge:- Writers are visionary in nature, they tends to see things beyond the surface thus,giving them the ability to draw out stories, pieces,creations using their faculties.
    Other sources of my creation inspiration are, research, recycling of thoughts processes, nature, events, watching movies, etc

Every individual is distinct meaning, we all have a different ways of attaching meaning to things.
Metamorphically,the way 'Lady B' find inspiration to come up with mind blowing writing piece is quite different from how "Lady A" will find hers,you just need to find what works for you.
Inspiration lies everywhere,
It lies in most things we often ignore or may no attention to therefore, to find it,be open as a clean slate as you scribble all the words that are lost.

© Medemausi

This is my entry for #juneinleo prompt day 27.

Disclaimer: The pictures are own by me.

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