Reuse of batteries from a laptop battery

Reuse of batteries from a laptop battery

Hi, community friends; this time I will show you what can be done with damaged laptop batteries; These are damaged very frequently, if you have had a laptop at least once you had to replace the battery, they are damaged suddenly or it "warns" you by charging your laptop less.

These replacements are like car parts, they are governed by planned obsolescence and their business is not to sell cars but spare parts for them; This is how it happens with laptops before being completely damaged, the battery was changed three times.

In my experience, these batteries are damaged because one of their cells is damaged and because they are seriously and/or in parallel short the continuity and the entire battery is damaged; but the other cells work.

The good thing is that you can reuse its components, inside there are several cells (depending on the size in mAh) that are a type of battery other than the common ones such as double A, triple A, they are called Lithium batteries that are normally 3 .7 Volts and are known or called 18650.

These internal cells can be used for any projects you can think of, one of them is to power an emergency light bulb like the one I show and you stop buying the replacement when it breaks.

Another use as it is in my case is to assemble a 12 volt battery for a UPS; I had to build a plastic structure that houses a maximum capacity of 15 lithium cells inside.

In its upper and lower part there are connectors that, if we have it in a certain way, either in parallel or in series, a certain configuration can be obtained to give an amount of voltage and charge for the project that you need.

So I built one that would put out 12 Volts and thus I have a lithium battery in the UPS with the advantage that it is very durable and easily repairable if a particular cell is damaged.

That's all, I hope you don't throw away your batteries from now on, you can get the most out of it before disposing of it properly since they are very polluting and should not be thrown away in landfills.

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