Book - Securing Digital Rights for Communities | Chapter 7 - Sustainable Economy & Decentralized Coin Distribution

Game Theory and Governance of Scalable Blockchains for Use in Digital Network States

Chapter 7. Sustainable Economy & Decentralized Coin Distribution

Covers for Dan and Matt_s book 7.png

  • Distribution types
  • Incentivised Stake Holder Distribution (ISHD, AKA Proof of Brain (PoB))
  • Social distribution as a Trojan Horse
  • Distribution to multiple parties
  • Ongoing distribution
  • The importance of earning your tokens
  • Keeping inflation in check
  • What you want to see
  • What you don't want to see
  • Application of Semi-Centralised Models
  • No compromise for free speech & censorship resistance
  • "Founder" stake size / major stakeholder dominance

▶️ 3Speak

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