Bashing Steel, Burning Rods and Heavy Metal

So today I'm gonna share something I used to hate and only grew to love as an adult. Metalwork, no not riveting soda cans together but HEAVY METAL.

This post is mostly about a few things I made while starting out, My workshop is an absolute mess and currently not usable. So I wont be making anything for a few weeks.

I guess once again a bit of backstory is in order but I will keep it short.

Metalworking for fun and profit

As a kid I grew up around welding and steel work, mostly odd jobs you know the one. To fix up an old tool someone couldn't afford to replace or a crapped out car, The odd bit of forge work.

So at a young age I learned how to weld, grind and bend shit with brute force and ignorance.

I hated it. It was hot, dirty and usually financially unrewarding. So by the time I was 15 I decided that was me, metalworking career off the bucket list, No Fuckin Thanks.

So about 8 years ago give or take a few, My memory is a bit off sometimes, OK?

I was working a job hanging sheetrock and laying a hardwood floor in a loft conversion. Really old place next to the church a few villages away.

Due to its proximity to the local church The gates needed replaced, One of the strange planning laws here in France. If your in eye sight of the church they even get to tell you what color your shutters can be.

They had a number of quotes in for replacing their old rusted out gates. The gates on the house were seriously shit, I now wish I had taken pictures of them.

So I finish my job and they ask my opinion of the quotes they had, and in typical fashion they were megabucks. Lowest was about 11,000 Euros give or take a ton.

Now in typical 'me' fashion I opened my big mouth. I can do better than that design on that quote for less cash.

Of course They were more than happy to let me do that. I drew a design and got the deposit...

One Tiny problem though... I didn't own a welder, or helmet, or heavy bending equipment or clamps suitable for steel work... But shit, why let that stop me right?

So with the deposit I went out, bought a cheap Inverter welder, A load of Steel bar, some clamps, and plywood (To make forms and potentially a coffin if I fucked up)

Some weeks of Fuckery and lots of sleepless nights later.

Well I did it, brute force and ignorance won the day. I bent every single scroll, drilled every hole, and watched every you tube video on metalworking there was at the time.

The gates in question

I bought the finials separately, I didn't want to punish myself too much making these...






Those gates are still hanging there today, They even had me back to make matching railings and a fence. So they must of been happy with the work.

So no I'm not shy about that aspect of myself, I'm good with my hands. I have yet to find something I cannot pick up and do, and do it well.

I acquire skills, I learn and watch. I've had a fair few jobs over the years with metalworking.

Pergolas and Shelters

These are now covered by clear panels, to keep the rain out and let the light in.








Decorative Panels




Even a Wraparound tree bench, The trees been struck down by a wood eating ant infestation, but the bench remains.


So yeah... something I never imagined I would say to the younger me at 15 years of age.

Metalworking is FUN, Its physical, Its dirty and tiring but even aside from the cash when I do it.... Its Rewarding.

Will I ever do it for a living? Nope, not a chance in hell. I do it for the fun of it nowadays. (Of course I still charge, I'm not an idiot!)

So that's a decent selection of things I made during the first few years as a Hobbyist Metalworker, Its far from everything and to be honest I've been lax in taking photos.

Most of my clients have been friends or local, so photos were not needed.

These Photos taken on whatever phone or camera I had available at the time. These days I will document every serious project (Of course) in more detail, after all I've got people to show off to now.

Order Number 3 @edprivat My fun times workin steel. Now your challenge is to help me clean my workshop so I can get into it, and start makin things again.

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