| Original content | How to clean a stainless steel kitchen with 4 aluminum burners.

Greetings to the entire #Build-it community, Last Sunday I decided to clean the kitchen of my house, this kitchen is made of stainless steel with four aluminum burners and it also has glass, I generally like to do this work at home, because you have to do it very carefully so as not to scratch the steel sheet. In this post I show you the whole process.


How to clean a stainless steel kitchen with 4 aluminum burners.

Generally, kitchens get dirty with grease and food remains that most of the time adhere to the plate or on the burners when these substances are burned with the stove, many people when cleaning the kitchen often use wire wool, even, knives thus damaging the stainless steel, which will make the kitchen look uglier every day.


  • We are going to remove the grills and burners and we will apply a degreasing liquid of your choice on the entire plate, you can use a dishwasher and water, we will leave this product for a few minutes to soften the fat or any food residue.
  • Now with the use of a towel and a toothbrush I am going to remove the dirt from the entire sheet and the outer edges of the stoves, in case there is some residue that is difficult to remove, let's use hot water and continue gently rubbing the sheet Surely, little by little we will eliminate them, everything is a matter of patience.


  • The next thing will be, clean the stoves, for this we will use the toothbrush impregnating it with the degreaser and water, then we remove the dirt with a towel or sponge, it is important to prevent dirt from entering through the hole where the gas comes out.


Well friends, now we are going to clean the aluminum burners, for this we will use the degreaser and 320 grit sandpaper trying to gently rub the parts that are burned or dirty.


Cleaning the front panel of the kitchen and the handles:

  • We are going to remove the handles to clean them and at the same time the entire front panel of the kitchen, we do this with the toothbrush, with you have observed, the toothbrush is ideal because it does not scratch the surface because its strands are soft, it is It is important to avoid rubbing the letters or symbols on the panel so that they are not erased.


Cleaning the upper and lower kitchen glass

  • To clean the glasses we will only use the degreaser, the toothbrush and a piece of mop, if the glasses are very dirty with grease, I recommend applying the degreaser before starting to clean the other parts of the kitchen so that the dirty, after removing the dirt we spray it with clean water and wipe it with a woolen cloth until it dries.


I hope you liked this publication, to say goodbye I just say that it is important to take care of our appliances or equipment, and taking care of them implies doing their due maintenance, greetings, God bless you.

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