Thread Printing on Black Paper.


Hi everyone!

I usually share the drawings I make on my hive blog. Sometimes I try to share different activities like I did today. Previously, I shared my yarn printing works on my blog from time to time. Today, I would like to share with you three different images that I obtained with thread printing. My little girl helped me while doing this activity. Rope printing is a nice activity that children can also enjoy doing.

Materials needed to print thread: Paper on which we will print thread, Watercolor, Brush for painting thread and thread.


First of all, we dye our rope in different colors. What colors you use is up to you. We dye the rope with the colors we want. Since I did the thread printing on black paper, I took care to use lighter colors. Because paints with a light color look more prominent on black paper. After dyeing our rope with different colors, we place it between the notebook and pull the rope by applying pressure. Then we open our notebook to see the result. Sometimes beautiful shapes appear. Sometimes it doesn't look like anything at all :)

In the first image I created, I mainly used green. I integrated the green color with purple, yellow and orange colors. In this image, the green part looks like a heart. I think it would have looked much better if I had used red paint instead of green.




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In our second image, I included many colors. That's why it was a bit of a mixed image.




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In our last image, I used white color predominantly. I thought a contrasting color would look nice on black paper. I also used purple, yellow and orange colors in this image.





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This activity is an activity made by students in the painting class at school. Rope printing is done on white paper at school. I moved this on black paper. I love the texture that the thread print creates on the black paper. I hope you like it too.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I wish you all healthy and happy days. Goodbye.

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