MES Livestream 40: John Hutchison Joins the Show!

Legendary inventor and experimental scientist John Hutchison joins the show to discuss his unique life and his ground-breaking discovery known as the Hutchison Effect.

June 8, 2024 SATURDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

John Hutchison Links

YouTube (old channel) (Archive of older channel) - Unofficial Website - eBay (Archive) - Peter Von Puttkamer (John's agent) - Blogspot - X - Facebook (Private group) - Nancy's YouTube (John's wife) - Nacy's Vimeo- PayPal - IMDb - BitChute

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Stream Notes and Links

John Hutchison.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
  2. Donate / buy samples from John:
  3. Possible June 22 Bob Greenyer livestream.
  4. July 6 Hollow Earth livestream by Methyl Miner:
  5. Raw files of Hutchison Effect:
  6. John Hutchison image files:
  7. George Hathaway getting harassed by Ernest Winfield's friends in 1983:
  8. Bob Greenyer has SEM on Hutchison Samples
  9. Hutchison Effect wood in aluminum sample 60X magnification:
  10. Beyond Invention Tubi link:
  11. John Hutchison 9/11 affidavit:
  12. Allen Forrest asking questions about 9/11 DEW continual reaction: @artgrafiken/re-mes-senvhg
  13. Rob Simone behind the scenes footage and more footage:
  14. John filmed video about MES and Mr. Loveless LOL Dennis kuchinich may have it in Washington DC. Mentions Murray muting his videos:
    • John invigorated by MES livestream LOL
    • His first show was Vancouver Sun CBC Canada. 300+ total and 1000+ radio shows.
    • Simon of Leafield in Scotland bought in bulk. 800 kilos, Simone got everything from scap. California person bought boxes too. Likely disinfo agents removing the samples from circulation. Steven Segal too LOL
  15. John Hutchison says: Look up my friend dr frankline e Meade ero pint energy
  16. CBC et al coverage of Hutchison Effect
  17. Nancy Hutchison says Security cameras all over John's Lab. Nancy growing high tech weed. Jesse Ventura lives near by and has his own weed farm.
    • Something approaches the iron block in the video when adding a filter. Final cut pro 6 or 7 not 10 to get the filters.
    • Pendulum opens into and gets out of slit in space. YouTube compression hides it.
    • Field warps around bar. filings were weirdly magnetic, spun around, but video didn't capture it properly.
    • Dr. Ludwick filmed iron bar stuff for 2 weeks. actual video files are gigs big.
    • Oil separation from water with EMF. radioactive contamination rapid cleanup.
    • Water vibration Hutchison Effects are very telling.
  18. Hutchison Inception during the livestream.
  19. Tim Ventura Hutchison PDF:
  20. Hutchison lab shed + camera setup:
  21. US military developing microwaves to destroy steel buildings:
  22. CTV News John Hutchison 2005:
  23. BCIT magazine news report on Hutchison Effect and neighbor saying an ornament dissolved:
  24. Amazing collection of HD photos of Hutchison Effect samples:
  25. John Hutchison statement against "debunkers" and trolls, plus levitation / teleportation videos:
  26. Great document on Hutchison Effect setup, history, and witnesses:
  27. Dominique Radwanski best friend / partner:
  28. Teleporting metal, government confiscated footage, Dr. Judy Wood pics:
  29. Star Trek friend Kirk Thatcher:
  30. EMR on high voltage. Spark gaps created lotus pattern, levitation. High Voltage + EMF. Listens for certain harmonic tones.
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