Epic fart shuts up wife

Usually the best part of a Youtube video are the comments. This guys wife is a saint. I post some of my favorite comments from the comment section below. Do you browse the comment section on Youtube as well ?

Some of my favorite comments from the comment section are below :

"I love how simple of creatures humans are. Noise comes out our butt and it fills us with immense joy."

"Imagine doing a fart so epic that nearly 7 million people willingly listened to it."

"I'm 53 years old. Why the HELL is this still funny to me.
Aaaaa, I'm crying."

"Most people just laugh when this happens. This man thought, "Reckon I should upload this to Youtube so the world can hear me shit my trousers." Good on you, mate. Mad respect."

"00:14 "i hope you've shit your bastard pants" - that is priceless 😂😂"

"Doesn't matter where you're from in the world, a fart is always funny. "

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