Urban Exploration : A day full of art


A few weeks ago I went to Leonardo Ruiz Pineda Park, better known as the acoustic shell. This natural and recreational park open to the public, is one of the metropolitan parks of Ciudad Bolivar, which has 16 hectares within its well-defined territory. It has adequate spaces for distraction, entertainment and physical activities. Many people in these spaces of the park, go to do exercises for physical conditioning, walking, jogging, bike rides, skateboards and sports games; some organizations eventually hold events, as well as, on weekends some families celebrate and share, among other activities, for the enjoyment of the whole family, I in particular walk through the park to relax and clear my mind, the park has a long painted staircase. Every year they paint these stairs with different types of graffiti, last year they painted them in a very psychedelic way, besides being the stairs that lead to the amphitheater of the park and for which it has its characteristic nickname "The acoustic shell" because it has the shape of a seashell.

I used to slide down these stairs on a wooden board when I was a child, as a young man entering puberty I used to go down them by bicycle and shortly after with the arrival of inline skates the excitement and adrenaline was increasing when going down them was a youthful madness but what can I say the excitement when you are young is incomparable as the wise elders say (the youthful madness does not give room to reason, only the excitement and adrenaline controls the emotion and the adrenalin, I hope that these stairs continue for many years to come and that you continue to take care of them and paint them with more and better graffiti designs.

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