Making a Simple Pillow

Some time ago I shared my story of making a bed cover, you can read it here.

Today we made a simple pillow.
Before we start sewing, we need to prepare the materials first. The materials needed are:
-cotton fabric
-hand needle

First, the fabric and foam were cut into 42 cm × 42 cm pieces.

Then a basting stitch was made, so that the fabric and foam would not shift and make it easier to sew.

Then sew around and leave 5 cm to turn the outside of the pillow.

When finished sewing, cut the corner of the seam and then turn it over. Fill the inside of the pillow with drakon.

When finished, sew the hole with a hand needle.
And there you have it, a simple pillow. You can also add a rempel on the side of the pillow to enhance the look of the cushion.

I plan to add some buttons on the top of the pillow.

These are some of my friends' works. They are very good.

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