Soft Elastic Crochet Collar: An Easy-Release Solution for Pets

Made out of the blue when my pet kept bugging me to play outside. Every time my pet goes out, she comes back without her quick-release collar, and I have to purchase a replacement every time. I have so much yarn leftover that can be used, so I decided to create one with a very soft elasticated thread that, when she gets stuck on a branch, it will slip off to release her.

Making it was quite easy; all I needed was crochet yarn, a crochet hook, scissors, and elasticated thread, along with my basic single crochet skill.

First, I measured around my pet's neck using a piece of yarn and added an inch.

Then, I measured the same length with the elastic thread and cut.

I tied together both ends of the elastic thread.

To start, I held both the yarn and elastic thread parallel to each other.

Then, I picked up the yarn from underneath the elastic thread.

Then I did a slide stitch.

and I tightened it securely.

Next, I single crocheted around the elastric thread.

More single crochets.

It was a bit tricky because of the elasticity, but I found that holding both the thread and the yarn firmly together made it easier to crochet around the elastic thread.

Once I had enough single crochet, I pushed them together, which automatically created a swirly look. It was a pleasant surprise that added character to the collar.

I continued single crocheting around the elastic thread, pushing them as I went until I filled the circle. I had to adjust the size afterward.

After completing the crochet, I tied together both ends to secure the yarn.

Then, I added a bell so I could monitor where my kitty was, and the bell sound also helped keep birds away from her.

It is straightforward and enjoyable to make!

Wearing it was comfortable for my pet.

Since the collar was stretchy and had enough yarn length, she wouldn't get stuck if caught on branches.

Now, I feel ease that my pet is safe, other animals away from her and safe too, so she gets to play outside and I will not spend so much on the replacement collar if she lose it.

I hope this will inspire others who might be facing similar challenges with their pets.

Have a fantastic day.

Mariah 💗

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