🧵 {04/08/24} ✦ Recycled fabric keychain, "Coquettezuela" 💛 💙 ❤ ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸


✦ Sewing is always good medicine. I pray a lot for the safety and well being of everyone - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia

🇪🇸 ~ Hola a todos. Esta es una nota fuera del tono natural que manejo para este espacio tan especial, pero es completamente necesario, para mí es muy necesario.

Mi país está atravesando una situación delicada, suceden muchas cosas al mismo tiempo, tantas que apenas puedo seguir el ritmo de todos los acontecimientos.

No puedo dibujar, no puedo coser, no puedo pintar, me tiemblan las manos.

Sé que muchas comunidades en la plataforma piden que por favor no tratemos temas políticos y lo entiendo y lo respeto, de verdad que lo respeto, pero mi corazón y mis pensamientos estan angustiados y revueltos.

🇺🇸 ~ Hello everyone. This is a note out of the natural tone that I manage for this very special space, but it is completely necessary, for me it is very necessary.

My country is going through a delicate situation, many things are happening at the same time, so many that I can hardly keep up with all the events.

I can't draw, I can't sew, I can't paint, my hands are shaking.

I know that many communities on the platform ask that we please do not deal with political issues and I understand and respect that, I really respect it, but my heart and my thoughts are anguished and troubled.

✦ ✦ ✦

Si bien no deseo en este momento tan importante “aparentar normalidad” o caer en el cinismo, mi blog aquí en Hive es una de las actividades que más alegría me da, editar y escribir es un ejercicio de esa parte de mi rutina que corresponde a las cosas que hago para cuidar mi salud emocional y psicológica.

Necesito algo de calma en medio del caos.

También, actualmente tengo a cuido casi 2 docenas de gatitos (5 míos dentro de casa, y alrededor de 18 que han quedado huérfanos, un vecino que les daba comida y resguardo en su casa falleció súbitamente aparentemente de un infarto, solo en su casa... y todos esos mininos de diferentes edades han quedado sin hogar, sin dueño que vele por ellos, algunos vagan alrededor de la casa y otros se quedan en el jardín del señor, imagino que no entienden que él ya no está aqui y esperan que en algún momento alguien abra la puerta.

De su alimentación nos encargamos ahora una vecina y yo, pero ha sido muy dificil alimentar diariamente esta cantidad de animalitos y todas mis recompensas en Hive desde entonces son para comprar alimento concentrado hasta que logremos esterilizarlos y conseguirles hogar, un proceso que ha sido dolorosamente lento.

Por eso seguire editando para mi blog algunas carpetas de proyectos acumulados que tenía pendientes por compartir porque me niego sentarme de brazos cruzados y que languidezcan, y en segunda instancia por mi salud, para desacelerar este tren de pensamientos, y espero entiendan que a partir de ahora si mi lenguaje no es tan feliz y efusivo como acostumbro, es por un tema de recato y empatía humana ante la situación.

Como en ocasiones anteriores los pequeños proyectos de costura son como ese vaso de agua tibia en medio de la noche despues de una pesadilla. He estado revisando mis cajas de retazos para comenzar un "snippet roll", pero antes que eso he hecho esta pequeña pieza para consolarme y es lo primero que quiero mostrar antes de retomar la frecuencia de mi actividad aquí.

While I don't wish at this important time to "appear normal" or fall into cynicism, my blog here at Hive is one of the activities that gives me the most joy, editing and writing is an exercise in that part of my routine that corresponds to the things I do to take care of my emotional and psychological health.

I need some calm in the midst of chaos.

Also, I currently take care of almost 2 dozen kittens (5 of mine at home, and about 18 that have been orphaned, a neighbor who gave them food and shelter in his house died suddenly apparently of a heart attack, alone in his house... and all these kittens of different ages have been left homeless, without an owner to watch over them, some wander around the house and others stay in the garden, I guess they do not understand that he is no longer here and hope that at some point someone will open the door.

They are now being fed by a neighbor and myself, but it has been very difficult to feed this amount of animals on a daily basis and all my rewards at Hive since then are to buy concentrated food until we can get them spayed and neutered and find homes for them, a process that has been painfully slow.

So I will continue editing for my blog some folders of accumulated projects that I had pending to share because I refuse to sit idly by and let them languish, and secondly for my health, to slow down this train of thought, and I hope you understand that from now on if my language is not as happy and effusive as usual, it is for a matter of modesty and human empathy for the situation.

As in previous occasions the little sewing projects are like that glass of warm water in the middle of the night after a nightmare. I've been going through my patchwork boxes to start a "snippet roll", but before that I've made this little piece to console myself and it's the first thing I want to show before resuming the frequency of my activity here.


✦ I remembered the cross stitch embroidery fabric box that I haven't touched in a long time ✦


✦ Originally I was only planning to make small embroideries of our flag ✦


✦ But the idea evolved into a small fabric keychain ✦


✦ All the material is leftover scraps from previous projects, bits and pieces that I didn't want to throw away ✦


✦ The more I progressed the more things I wanted to add to it ✦


✦ I also kept a little bit of soft toy stuffing ✦


✦ I used a combination of colored threads to stitch the reverse side ✦


✦ I was going to add many ribbons all around the border but in the end I left just one ✦


✦ It's a heart that fits in your hand ✦

✦ I have refrained a lot from giving my opinion in social networks regarding how some people have used this topic with bad intentions for personal purposes or in an irresponsible way, wanting to tell others what to do and how to do it. When did they become like that? Where is the emotional intelligence and wisdom that they like to boast so much? I hope to see more sense in the coming days ✦

Estoy preocupada por la salud de todos; muchos amigos tienen cuadros de ansiedad, ataques de pánico, depresión, o todo junto y han llegado a su punto de quiebre. Algunos ya estan medicados por esas razones.

Si estas aquí en Venezuela, dentro de tus posibilidades y cual sea tu ideología, forma de pensar o religión por favor cuídate mucho.

Sean comprensivos y piensen muy bien las cosas que van a decir porque he visto mucha impulsividad estos días, mucha insensibilidad y falta de sentido común.

Por ejemplo la gente necesita comer y para eso necesita trabajar. Todos tenemos familia que cuidar o personas vulnerables o seres vivos que dependen de nosotros para subsistir.

No todos son freelancers o tienen trabajos remotos desde la comodidad de sus hogares; en este tiempo me he decepcionado tanto de personas de mi entorno que creía confiables, al verlos ser innecesariamente crueles con personas inocentes.

Hoy mas que nunca qué importante es que tus palabras correspondan a tus acciones 🫂 ❤️‍🩹

I am concerned about everyone's health; many friends have anxiety, panic attacks, depression, or all together and have reached their breaking point. Some are already on medication for these reasons.

If you are here in Venezuela, within your possibilities and whatever your ideology, way of thinking or religion, please take care of yourself.

Be understanding and think very well the things you are going to say because I have seen a lot of impulsiveness these days, a lot of insensitivity and lack of common sense.

For example people need to eat and for that they need to work. We all have families to take care of or vulnerable people or living beings that depend on us to subsist.

Not everyone is a freelancer or works remotely from the comfort of their homes; in this time I have been so disappointed in people around me that I thought were trustworthy, seeing them being unnecessarily cruel to innocent people.

Today more than ever how important it is that your words match your actions 🫂 ❤️‍🩹

✨ 💙 Follow me on Hive and Instagram for more original content! 💙 ✨



✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸4 ⚜

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